El Campo High School - Class of '69
Class Of 1969
Welcome to the El Campo High Class Of 1969 web site. I hope this site gives everyone a chance to connect with someone with whom they have lost contact.
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A luncheon was held January 23, 2019 at El Campo Seafood & Grill. Click on "Class Photos" on left hand panel. You can then view photos of the luncheon or other event photos posted.
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Hello All - The photos from the reunion held September 23, 2017 are available to view. Go to "Class Photos" in the left hand panel. When you click on that link a new page will open with different galleries to view. Click the gallery you wish to view. Click on the first photo and a slide show will open with the photo changing every 12 seconds. If anyone has additional photos to share send them to me at cfw3662@live.com and I can add them to the gallery. Be sure and send them "full size". Thanks.
Chris Wendel